Dinah’s books are available to purchase through her web store and wherever fine books are sold in paperback, Kindle book, and audio (coming soon).

The Bible is filled with temple imagery and symbols that were likely understood by first century Christians. Sadly, they are foreign to us. We cannot evaluate these symbols from our twenty-first-century mentality. In this groundbreaking work, Dinah Dye explores the ancient understanding of the temple from the birth of time. The Temple Revealed in Creation: A Portrait of the Family takes the reader back to the beginning in search of the true meaning of the temple and its enduring relevance for today’s family.

The Garden in Eden was filled with fruit-producing trees, sprouting plants and grasses, and gently flowing rivers. Adam, God’s chosen king/priest, was called to cultivate the garden’s fertile soil, to guard the sacred space from external enemies, and to rule over the earth. After breaking covenant with YHWH, his king, Adam was banished to the field, a place of thorns and thistles, where he became a slave to the earth. “The Temple Revealed in the Garden: Priests and Kings” examines the Garden story from an ancient Near East perspective. It explores new ideas and concepts about the oldest story in the world by presenting fictional vignettes, scholarly research, and practical application for today. The book will challenge the reader to think outside the box. Bodie Thoene, the winner of eight Gold Medallion Awards and author of over 65 works of historical fiction, had this to say: “This incredible book helps show us the wonders of God’s great love and plan for us from the very beginning of creation. If you want to glimpse great and holy wonders, I highly recommend this beautiful book. It is for you who want to explore the unknown beauty beneath the surface of the deep waters of Torah. It is for you who long to climb the branches of the tree that reaches from earth, high into heaven’s glories.”

La Biblia está llena de imágenes del Templo y símbolos que probablemente eran entendidos por los cristianos del primer siglo. Y en esta obra, Dinah Dye explora la comprensión antigua del Templo desde el nacimiento del tiempo. El Templo Revelado en la Creación: El Perfil de la Familia lleva al lector de nuevo al principio en busca del verdadero significado del Templo y su conexión existente con la familia de hoy. Alguien dijo una vez: “¡Todo tiene un significado!” ¡Esto es cierto acerca de todos los detalles del Templo de Jerusalén! ¡El estudio increíble de Dinah Dye sobre el Templo y su significado eterno es una lectura precisada! ¡Yo altamente lo recomiendo! Como ningún otro libro, esta fabulosa obra reúne todos los significados profundos del Templo como el único lugar en la tierra que realmente refleja el cielo. ¡Cómprelo! ¡Léalo! ¡Téngalo siempre a la mano para referencia! ¡Este libro cambiará su vida! Bodie Theone – autora, guionista, ganadora de 8 Medallas de Oro, con más de 35 millones de libros vendidos